Merry New Year!

There’s a subtle but powerful lesson for us in the business & technology world in this classic scene from “Trading Places,” when Billy Ray joyously exclaims, “Merry New Year!” and is corrected by Beeks with a condescending “It’s Happy New Year,” only to reply with even greater joy, “Ha, Ha, Ha – Happy New Year!”

In our fast-paced, ever-evolving industry, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we have all the answers. The notion of ‘knowing it all’ can be particularly tempting in tech, where knowledge is often equated with power and status. However, this mindset can backfire – especially when we’re not included in key planning meetings and often don’t have the full picture.
Beek’s response reminds us that its best to approach interactions with openness and a willingness to understand, rather than a rush to correct or assume superiority. Being gracious and trying to comprehend the context is often more beneficial than asserting what we believe we know. This is especially important in tech, where the complex nature of our work can lead to misunderstandings or gaps in communication. When we’re left out of key discussions or planning sessions, it’s crucial to seek understanding first rather than jumping to conclusions and correcting others.

Let’s take a page out of this classic movie scene and apply it to our professional lives. Being open, humble, and willing to listen can lead to better collaboration, more effective problem-solving, and a more inclusive workplace. In the end, the joke might just be on those who think they know it all – and we certainly don’t want to end up like Beeks, trapped in a Gorilla Suit 🤣
Happy New Year everyone!