I was elected to lead, not to read!

“I was elected to lead, not to read!” A great laugh in the movie but, in the world of technology implementation, this attitude can lead to some not-so-funny outcomes.

As tech professionals, whether leading a team or working hands-on with technology, the importance of reviewing up-to-date vendor documentation cannot be overstated. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking our experience alone is enough, especially when dealing with familiar technologies or vendors. However, skipping the documentation review is a risky shortcut that can lead to oversights and costly mistakes.

Technology is constantly evolving, and so are the best practices for its implementation. Vendor documentation is often the first place where new updates, features, and critical changes are detailed. By not keeping up with the latest documentation, even experts risk missing out on essential information that could impact the success of a project.

Remember, true leadership in technology is about continuous learning and adapting. It’s about setting an example for your team by demonstrating the importance of staying informed and thorough in every aspect of implementation.